Being Powerful Part II
In some historical as well as in current practices, certain companies or powers and societies in general; abuse, assault, even rape as a form of gaining power over others. This is also called forms of bullying and this is ‘might makes right’ Machinavellian power.
It is the taking of power from another and diminishing the other in the act. This is the reality. This power is so common simply because it’s the easiest kind of power to have; that which you take from someone because it is easier to take than gaining this power yourself.
We began learning this easy to get power as a child in the sand box. We want the sand shovel our younger or smaller cousin is playing with, so we take it. Bullying is born here. Because it’s the easiest power to achieve over another.
Depending on your parenting, it might be the only kind you are aware of. Pretty much anyone, and virtually everyone can achieve this kind of power; which makes it common, easy, worth less and short lived. The ease does not make it right or good, true or lasting.
The Machiavelli mindset of might makes right is a common saying now because it’s common. Common is just easy, that’s why everyone is doing it. So, what is correct, good, real and lasting power? There are at least two kinds; both are given, not taken.
Do we hear that? Get that?! Real power, lasting power isn’t taken, it’s given. The power others give you and the power you give yourself. People give power to others to receive whatever they perceive that person can do for them.
Allegiance to flag, king or country is given if it is lasting power. Marital success comes from both parties giving power to the other. Capitalism works when the ‘strong’ and the ‘weak’ give what they have to give, not more, not less.
When a stranger pays it forward, they give power to the other person. This power is relevant, purposeful, accepted, acceptable, and chosen. It makes each of us, as individuals, more powerful in general terms as well as enhancing society as an entity.
This is a more lasting, real, right, good power. The second given power and the most powerful human power in existence in this world is rare, extremely valuable and not for sale. It is not transferrable and completely achievable by all, but many choose not to have it.
It is not chosen by many. It is that which you gain from inside yourself. It is what you give yourself and is forged over time, consciously and with purpose, goal and effort. It is that which allows a man to drill at his temple and not break the skin (my son pulled up the video).
It is what allows an Olympic skater to win the gold with a sprained ankle, or for a performer to stand on the stage a few days after losing a parent. It’s what allows one country to make an agreement to stop war with another country without retaliation.
It is what helps a violently raped woman and her brother to forgive the person that inflected this pain. No one can stop this power, remove it nor diminish it, except the person who created it. The only power stronger than this internal power is the power that made the world exist.
This type of power one gives to oneself. It is where spiritual knowledge comes from because the act of creating this inside self is to touch our own divinity or our own capacity. Overcoming any perceived weakness in self is creating this power.
It is what causes a mom to lift a burning car off her child. It is what gives us purpose in life and reason to exist beyond the banal and mundane. I challenge you to be rare, to create a lasting power in your life and in the lives of others. We are society. Be powerful!