5 lessons from a dental chair

As I sat there, or rather, as I laid back in the dental chair; I didn’t really have anything else to occupy my mind other than with my own thoughts. Maybe it would have been a nice distraction if they had offered me a movie like they do for children.

I guess us adults have total control over our thoughts, reactions and happy spaces without the same support we give our kids. But really, do adults like the dentist more than kids, or we have just learned that it’s a reality and submit when we must.

Me thinks that we adults have the same random thoughts, fears, worries and feelings about pain, having your mouth open too wide for a long period of time and either regret prior decisions or wish to be elsewhere for many reasons.

Well, that is precisely what happened to me this particular dental visit. I was less pleased to need to be there, worried about the cost, not looking forward to the jaw ache coming, and regret for not avoiding being here again.

As my mind was unavoidably laser focused on the situation at hand, I pondered what to do about it. I randomly began listing to myself all the ways in which I could avoid and stop this dental activity that has been a little too much a part of my life.

As I was internally listing the very sensical and nonsensical and other rather creative ways to avoid this in the future; my mind started settling on some themes weaving through my various thoughts. I realized there was actual, useful advice I was giving myself.

It became an after action review. Almost like the game hi and lo lights in the coaches eyes.

1.      I can do better. I’ve overcome a lot of things, and am aware I can, so applying it here; I can and will act differently to cause a new outcome with what I have power over.

2.      Procrastination hurts-literally

3.      Actions matter-the big ones of course, but the small ones sometimes are even more important.

4.      I have choices. I intentionally want and can choose something different for myself.

5.      I am important enough to take care of. We say it, but really, it’s more than an affirmation; like in this moment I know, I feel, I understand that I actually am way more important than this little thing. And I deserve to take care of whatever it takes to cause me my happiest me.



My perspective is…


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